Our Team

  • Jason P. Curtis CIMA®

    Jason P. Curtis CIMA® - Owner

    Jason started in the financial services business with a prominent broker-dealer in 2009 during the tail end of the Great Financial Crisis. When his parents asked him, “why do you want to become a financial advisor?” he replied, “because I like helping people, and there’s no better time to provide that help then now.” Jason has served mostly individual investors by helping identify where they are today; where they would like to be; and, through analysis and processes – provided solutions to help the individual realize their ideal financial independence.

    Jason has always enjoyed the entrepreneurial-spirit and enjoys connecting and working with people who live life with intention and purpose. This mindset has helped Jason open his business in 2022, J. Curtis Wealth Advisory Services, an Investment Advisor Representative, affiliate of LynnLeigh & Company, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. By helping his clients articulate "why they invest” and by serving as a fiduciary to them: a deeper meaning beyond just the investments and their performance can be achieved.

    When Jason is not at the office, he enjoys volunteering as a board member for various non-for-profits here in Rochester, NY. When at home, he loves sharing his interests with his two sons; most notably fishing with his son Will, and golfing with his son Max! He also enjoys going out and seeing various performing arts, live music and other happenings; either in Downtown Rochester or near his home in Fairport, NY.

  • Lauren Olson

    Lauren Olson - Office Manager & CSA

    Lauren has always known she loved helping people. She paired that with her organizational skills and chose a career in office administration. She decided to pursue an associate degree focusing on business & accounting, knowing those skills could be utilized in any field. She completed her degree a semester early and won the Administrative Assistant Award of Excellence for her graduation class. She has worked in manufacturing, construction, transportation, retail/service and most notably, finance. She took 9 years off from working out of the home to raise her 2 daughters but continued to work at home supporting her then husband’s 3 businesses. She hesitantly returned to the outside workforce full time in 2019 and proved to never have skipped a beat. She also volunteered at the local elementary school’s PTA and served as Secretary on the executive board.

    Outside of work, she is a proud mom to 2 daughters, Jolene & Juliette. And, she is very excited to be getting married this fall to her best friend, Dave, at the Lamberton Conservatory in Highland Park. They currently live in Brighton with their 2 dogs, Porter & Pennington, and 2 cats, Frosty & Holly. Lauren is a lover of music, food, summer, animals, organizing & decorating. She enjoys going for walks (but only in the nice weather!) and going out to eat with her family at many of Rochester’s delicious restaurants.

  • Cookie

    Cookie - Office Pup

    Cookie is an Irish Setter mixed with a poodle, AKA an Irish Doodle. Cookie was rescued by the Curtis family from Puppy Mill Rescue Team based out of Brockport, NY in 2023. Cookie was lovingly named by owner Jason’s two sons, William & Max, before they even knew which puppy they would be getting. Cookie loves to come into the office a few days each week and is a valued member of the team! When outside of work, Cookie loves to go for walks, cuddle on the couch with Jason while watching The Office, and of course, play with William & Max.