What’s your (Money) Story?
Jason P. Curtis, CIMA® Jason P. Curtis, CIMA®

What’s your (Money) Story?

And the “Illusion of Control” during market volatility:

One of the reasons I got into this business was because of a stock trading account I had started just before 08-09. At the time, there were a ton of online brokers advertising towards hot shots like me – overly confident, paid too well and no idea what I was doing – with messages like “day trading is the (fastest) way to accumulating wealth.”

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Sharpe Contrasts
Jason P. Curtis, CIMA® Jason P. Curtis, CIMA®

Sharpe Contrasts

Using the sharpe ratio to determine risk adjusted returns.

Despite the financial services industry’s progress towards planning – be it through legislation, the proliferation of low-cost index funds and exchange traded funds, or a wiser consumer altogether – our industry still has an identity crisis.

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My Career Story:
Jason P. Curtis, CIMA® Jason P. Curtis, CIMA®

My Career Story:

My path and observations while bearing witness a “retail investor revolution,” brought on by accessibility & affordability of financial products, and my value proposition as an investment advisor representative.

I started my career in the financial services industry in 2009. Things were different then. The industry was still somewhat transactional, and initially there was not a ton of emphasis on planning, but that was changing rapidly and for the better. The phrase “goals-based investing” was starting to take hold, and the “retail” investor was catching on quickly.

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Thank you for checking out my blog. I often write in a whimsical fashion about the economy, capital markets, family life and my career… and where those observations and walks of life sometimes intersect. My goal? By sharing the lessons I’ve learned in life and the resources I have at hand, that perhaps you’ll find your learning curve a tad shorter then mine! Or maybe you’ll find some relief in the stories I share, in these often difficult times in our world and country.

Have a comment or suggestion? Please feel free to reach out at jason@lynnleighco.com.

~J. Curtis, Owner, J. Curtis Wealth Advisory Services.